What are podiatric skin problems?

The most common forms of skin issues that we treat are:

  1. Corns

  2. Hard Skin also called Callus

  3. Heel Fissures

  4. Fungal Skin

  5. Warts and Verrucae

Hard skin can form as either corns or plaques of callus, and you can get both at the same time in some locations. The body forms corns and callus (hard skin) as a protective mechanism over areas of skin that have been subjected to high pressure, friction or rubbing. Sometimes this may be caused by the shoes you wear, the sporting activity you do, or even from pressure between the toes. Corns and callus can form anywhere on the foot - anywhere on the body in fact! Hard and dry skin that is over the heel area can lead to heel fissures if left untreated. It is important not to ignore corns or callus because the healthy skin underneath may ulcerate over time. In most healthy people with recent corns or callus, just having a one-off treatment and removing the source of the friction or pressure can solve the issue. Other people who have chronic corns or callus may need to have ongoing care to stay comfortable. Heel fissures can become infected and lead to more serious issues if left untreated, these will usually require a few appointments and some self care at home to resolve.

See the pages on Fungal Infections and Warts and Verrucae for more information on those issues.

What are the treatment options?

Your first step is to book a new patient appointment. Appointments are bespoke to your foot health needs so during this appointment slot we will start the treatment process; we may trim and file toenails, reduce hard skin (callus), enucleate corns and debride heel fissures, depending on your specific foot health needs.

You will be advised on the self care that will improve the condition of your skin. You may need to return for more than one appointment, this will depend on how severe the issues are and how much self care you can undertake to maintain the skin. Most people will require either a Standard follow on Appointment or a Heavy Chiropody Appointment.